Writers ask one another: “How do you get motivated?”
I use music, a playlist for each novel. Songs facilitate imagery of certain scenes and they are put in a iTunes playlist called “One Song Loop”.
For Orcasekai I am listening to White Rabbit (I have modified the lyrics when I listen for inspiration: “One word makes a swimmer, and one word takes a walk, and the ones that mother gives you don’t do anything by talk. Go read fiction, be anything and all…and so on)
Also Brave by Sarah Bareilles. When Orcasekai is published (soon! soon!) I will put a YouTube playlist together like I did for The Vencello and Cetapiens.
Writers also ask: “Why am I doing this? There are so many other ____books out there…”
Well, there are billions of people, why do any one of us exist? Your book is YOUR book. It’s special and worthwhile for that reason alone. There are always other reasons WHY.
What about the bipolar writing experience “I’m either Christ or I’m S***T”, “If I don’t make a million dollars, it’s not worth it.”
See answer to “Why am I doing this?”
I will attest, the first time I held that beautiful paperback copy of “The Vencello” in my hands, It. Was. Every. BIT. Worth. It.